1a) A static Online Shop homepage must contain 3 frames.
b)To create CATOLOGUE page that should contain following fields.(SNO,BOOK NAME,AUTHOR,PRICE,QTY,ADD CART BUTTON)
2 a)create a “Registration form “ and apply validation for each Field
b) Write an XML –DTD file which will display the Book information
3 a) To implement: a) Inline style sheet b)Embedded style sheet c)External style sheet
b) A static online Books Shop homepage must contain 3 frames.
4 a) Write a Java Script to display the Student details from XML file based action (First, Next, Last, Previous students)
b) To implement: a)Inline style sheet
5 a) Installation of Tomcat Apache web Server
b) Design login page and perform Validations
6 a) Installation of PHP Server and show how it runs (Xampp)
b) To implement: Embedded style sheet
7 a) Steps to Create Data Source Name (DSN) using oracle
b) To implement: External style sheet
8 a) Servlet Execution Using Tomcat Apache for User Logins
b) create a “Registration form “ for Student
9 a) create a “Registration form “ and apply Styles for each Field
b)Write java script to find the min and max values of given 10 numbers
10 a) Write java script to validate email – id and password fields of Students Form
b) Write an XML –DTD file which will display the Student information